bad/good websites
A bad website has too much on it and it's disorganized. The website is confusing, the point of it isn't obvious. You don't find what your looking for and it's hard to find. The colors don't go well together, too many, obnoxious. It's slow, makes you wait. If it has voice it talks to much, makes you listen to the whole thing, doesn't give you the option of pausing or rewinding or stopping it. Bad, hard to find links. Font is too small or too big, don't fit the screen. Looks like a kid website.
A good website is fast, easy straight to the point, professional. Clear images showing what they do/sell. Simple text, easy to read good font sizes and styles. Extremely organized so you know where to click to find what your looking for. Easy links. The images match but doesn't steal your attention. The colors match. If has flash doesn't look like your playing a video, professional. Should be obvious what the website does what they can offer you. Not too many words but enough. The pictures relate to what they do and the words on the page. Either words or image stands out more.
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